| The Hamilton Law Association |
Patrick McIlhone, Chair, Corporate Commercial Subcommittee
The Hamilton Law Association's Corporate Commercial Subcommittee exists to advise on matters pertaining to Corporate Commercial Law that are relevant to The Hamilton Law Association Board or Committees, and Hamilton area Corporate Commercial lawyers.
Looking for an opinion or guidance on a corporate commercial matter? The following are members of The Hamilton Law Association's Corporate Commercial Subcommittee.
Committee Members:
Patrick McIlhone, Gowling WLG LLP (Chair)
Hussein A. Hamdani, SimpsonWigle Law LLP
Michele Ballagh, Blaze IP
Hassan Chaudhary, Ross & McBride LLP
Kelly Fawcett, Inch Hammond Professional Corporation
Nicholas Fur, Sole Practitioner
John Hammond, Inch Hammond Professional Corporation
Daniel Lawlor, Weisz, Rocchi & Scholes
John Loukidelis, Loukidelis Professional Corporation
Michael McHugh, McHugh Whitmore LLP
David Mifsud, George Street Law Group
Alex Smith, Scarfone Hawkins
David van der Woerd, Ross & McBride LLP
Jo Chiahotny
To speak to an HLA staff person regarding the Corporate Commercial Committee, please contact us at: (905) 522-1563 or hla@hamiltonlaw.on.ca
Continuing Legal Education Materials
The library has an excellent collection of CLE materials from seminars held by the LSO, Middlesex Law Association, the County of Carleton Law Association and the HLA. The papers often discuss very specific and timely issues, and can include valuable precedents. The CLE materials are shelved in the stacks with the texts and looseleaf services according to their topics.