| The Hamilton Law Association |
Library Services
Have a question? Call us at 905-522-1563, or send an email to reference@hamiltonlaw.on.ca.
General Information
The Anthony Pepe Memorial Law Library is named in honour of Anthony M. J. Pepe, President of the Hamilton Law Association in 1983-1984. The Library is operated by The Hamilton Law Association through an elected Board of Trustees and its Collections & Library Excellence Subcommittee, for the use of members of the Association, their students and staff, and visiting lawyers. The Library is funded through membership fees with the assistance of grants from the Law Society of Ontario, the Law Foundation of Ontario, and the Ministry of the Attorney General.
The Library is staffed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Paid-up members of The Hamilton Law Association should consult HLA staff for information on after-hours access.
Members of the Public
The Library is open to members of the public by appointment only. Please contact HLA Library staff to make an appointment at reference@hamiltonlaw.on.ca.
Electronic Resources & Research
You can use the library's computers to access online resources like Lexis Advance Quicklaw, CanLII, O'Brien's Forms Online, Lexis Practice Advisor, HeinOnline, and RangeFindr. We have Wifi available throughout the entire library should you wish to bring your own laptop or device.
We are happy to assist you with any questions you have regarding legal research. The Librarian can work with you to formulate your keyword searches and help you get the best possible results from our free and fee-based research tools, or point you toward any print materials we have on hand (or could borrow for you from another library).
We are also available to provide research support to HLA members remotely by phone, at 905-522-1563, fax at 905 522-1188, or by email at reference@hamiltonlaw.on.ca.
Collection, Circulation & Inter-Library Loan
The Anthony Pepe Memorial Library has an excellent collection of Canadian and British case reports, digests and treatises, looseleaf services, Canadian statutes (federal and provincial), selected journals, continuing professional development materials, and government publications.
The Library‘s text collection is available to borrow for a period of three days. Looseleaf titles may be borrowed for courtroom use, or for short term office use at the discretion of the Librarian.
Library staff will attempt to obtain photocopies, scans, or to borrow materials from other libraries by mail, email, courier or fax. Charges levied by the supplier are passed on to the borrower.
Photocopy, Fax & Binding Services
A lawyer-use photocopier is available on the premises (25¢ per exposure, HST included for members). A coin-operated photocopier is available on the premises (35¢ per exposure, hst included). You may exchange for coins in the Library. You may also purchase a copy card (100 copies at $35, HST included). You may also photocopy using a control card and have us invoice your firm. Receipts will be provided if required.
A staffed photocopy service is also available, operating within the guidelines of the Copyright Act (60¢ per exposure). Simply telephone with your request and arrange for pick-up, delivery, or faxing the copies.
In addition to sending copies of library materials by fax, as mentioned above, the Library may also be used as a depot for sending or receiving fax transmissions. Charges for this service are based on the number of pages and the destination.
Binding of medical reports, trial briefs, casebooks etc., can be done in the Library.
Courtroom Aids
The Library has numerous items that can be borrowed for courtroom use, including a TV/DVD player, data video projector, and screens. An "Agreement to Repair or Replace Projector" must be signed by the borrower for the user of the projector.
The Library also has a complete skeleton, a model of the spine, an x-ray illuminator, and various anatomical charts which can be borrowed for use in courtrooms in the building. Details are available from the staff at reference@hamiltonlaw.on.ca.
Contact: Reference & Library Staff Mailbox
The Ontario Courthouse Libraries Association (OCLA) is excited to roll-out our new mobile-device-friendly site. The new website is designed to be a lawyer-centric portal to the County and District Law Libraries in the province. We’ve packaged the individual law library profiles into one convenient site, offering an easy-to-digest overview of the information, and services being offered. Some of the features include:
Enhance your travel experience to another jurisdiction by visiting http://oclanet.com/webapp/.